Contact the HelpLine: (410) 435-2600

The NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 9am– 5pm.

Our staff is prepared to provide information and support, including:

  • Offering empathy, understanding, and support.
  • Information about mental health issues and recovery.
  • Participating in NAMI support groups and education programs in your community.
  • Referrals to community resources in Baltimore city and county, including health, housing, case management, disability and legal services.


!Nuestra HelpLine (linea de ayuda) ofrece Apoyo en Espanol!

NAMI (La Alianza Nacional sobre las Enfermedades Mentales) Metro Baltimore provee apoyo gratuito a las personas afectadas por una condicíon de salud mental (1 de cada 5 personas) y sus familias.

Nuestras llamadas en vivo a la Línea de Ayuda en Español están disponibles de 9am a 1pm los lunes.

Nuestra Helpline tiene un correo de voz que está listo para servirle con ayuda gratuita y confidencial en español. Déjenos un mensaje y nuestros voluntarios calificados le contactaran con recursos útiles en español en 48 horas vía llamada telefónica o email.

(410) 435-2600


Did you know our HelpLine offers support in Spanish?

Callers who indicate they would like to speak to someone in Spanish will be able to leave a voicemail and have their call returned within 48-hours of placing their call. Individuals are also welcome to email, and can expect a response in Spanish as well.

What to Do In an Emergency

Call 988 if you or a loved one is in immediate danger. Notify the operator that it is a psychiatric emergency and ask for a CIT-trained police officer, who has received specialized training to respond to mental health emergencies from NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore and our community partners.

If you are in crisis or need to talk, call 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255), the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It is a 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline. The 988 number will route you to local call centers, but if you would like to call a local number, call the Baltimore Crisis Response hotline at 410-433-5175. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Hosting a Presentation
Accessing Mental Health Support
Referring Me or a Patient to Resources
Public or Care Partner Opportunities