Become a Member
By becoming a NAMI member, you join a network that provides invaluable information and mutual support to those in need. Your membership helps to ensure that life-saving information, support, and education are available right here in Baltimore City and County.
As a NAMI member, you’ll receive the latest mental health updates, learn how to advocate in the community, and add your voice to the NAMI movement. Membership is at all three levels of NAMI – national, state, and local. Membership benefits include:
- Subscription to the NAMI Advocate magazine
- Receivinge NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore’s newsletters
- Attending the National Convention , NAMI Maryland Annual Conference, and NAMI Metro Baltimore Annual Meeting at discounted rates
- Access to member-only content at
Membership categories and annual dues
- Household Membership (for family members living at the same address) -$60
- Individual Membership – $40
- Open Door Membership (for individuals who need the support NAMI offers but who are experiencing financial constraints) – $5
Please contact the Administrative Coordinator at or at (410) 435-2600 for additional membership information or for assistance in joining NAMI.