Volunteers are truly the heart of your organization! Whether you are giving your time because our programs have helped you or a loved one, or you are passionate about mental health, you can make a difference.
There are many ways to get involved to make a difference in your community!
- Facilitate a support group or teach a class
- Share your story to help others understand mental illness
- Raise mental health awareness as a NAMI
Metro Baltimore ambassador - Advocate in Annapolis for quality
mental health care services in Maryland
In order to volunteer, we ask that you meet these requirements:
- All volunteers must be over the age of 14. Certain volunteer roles require individuals to be over the age of 18.
- Effective December 2015, all new, incoming volunteers must consent to a background check.
- There may be additional requirements, such as training programs, for certain volunteer roles.
- Volunteers may be required to submit a Conflict of Interest Agreement and/or Stipend Agreement for certain volunteer roles.
Become a Volunteer
- Click Here to Fill Out Our Digital Application on VolunteerHub
All prospective volunteers should create an account on VolunteerHub in order to get started as a volunteer. If you have any questions, email volunteer@namibaltimore.org. - After submitting an application, please sign up for a New Volunteer Phone Screening on the calendar.
For more detailed information on volunteer roles and requirements, please see the Volunteer Manual below.