Pledge to Vote for Mental Health
As election day draws nearer, we invite our NAMI Baltimore network to pledge to vote! Click on the "Pledge to #Vote4MentalHealth" form to the right to pledge and gain more information and ways you can activate your network to make their voices heard!
Here at NAMI Metro Baltimore, we believe in sharing our voices and stories to create a better world for our friends, neighbors, colleagues, and loved ones who are living with mental health conditions. It's important to remember that your vote has power. Below is some information on how to register to vote in Maryland, pledge to vote, and more!
Make a Plan to Vote!
To help build your plan to vote in 2024, answer these questions:
- Are you registered to vote? Register or check your voter registration here.
- Are you able to vote early in your state? (In Maryland, early voting will be available from Thursday, October 24, 2024 through Thursday, October 31, 2024). Or will you vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th, 2024?
- If you are voting by absentee ballot, have you requested your ballot? When will you send it back? Or will you return it at a drop box, if available?
- If you’re voting in person, will you vote early or on Election Day? Will you go in the morning, during the day, or after school or work?
- How will you get to your polling location? Do you need transportation? Can you help your friends, neighbors or family get to the polling location?
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th! It’s important to make your plan to vote NOW to make sure your vote is counted. Thank you for your #Vote4MentalHealth!